🤔I think this should be a good start.: )
今天的 NC 实验就我关心的一些问题和 TA 小哥哥聊了很多,简单用一个示例记录之
I think this should be a good start.: )
def linear_merge ( list1 , list2 ):
treat it as merge sort
list1_index = 0
list2_index = 0
result = []
while ( list1_index <= ( len ( list1 ) - 1 ) or list2_index <= len ( list2 ) - 1 ):
if list1 [ list1_index ] < list2 [ list2_index ]:
result . append ( list1 [ list1_index ])
list1_index += 1
elif list1 [ list1_index ] == list2 [ list2_index ]:
result . append ( list1 [ list1_index ])
list1_index += 1
result . append ( list2 [ list2_index ])
list2_index += 1
else :
result . append ( list2 [ list2_index ])
list2_index += 1
if list1_index == len ( list1 ):
result = result + list2 [ list2_index :]
if list2_index == len ( list2 ):
result = result + list1 [ list1_index :]
return result
def liner_merge2 ( list1 , list2 ):
use sort()
result = list1 + list2
result . sort ()
return result
def liner_merge3 ( list1 , list2 ):
result = []
while len ( list1 ) != 0 and len ( list2 ) != 0 :
if list1 [ 0 ] <= list2 [ 0 ]:
result . append ( list1 . pop ( 0 ))
else :
result . append ( list2 . pop ( 0 ))
return result + list1 + list2
def liner_merge4 ( list1 , list2 ):
result = []
head1 = 0
head2 = 0
while len ( list1 ) - head1 != 0 and len ( list2 ) - head2 != 0 :
if list1 [ head1 ] <= list2 [ head2 ]:
result . append ( list1 [ head1 ])
head1 = head1 + 1
else :
result . append ( list2 [ head2 ])
head2 = head2 + 1
return result + list1 [ head1 :] + list2 [ head2 :]
what’s the difference between all of these four funcs?
// 先打个时间戳 Oct 11, 19 21:29